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  • Making Work Productive the AEUP Way

    Overcome Low Productivity with AEUP Aerial Work Platforms, Stock Pickers, Stair Climbers and Material Handling Equipment

    Your buisness could be more efficient and profitable. Here’s how.

    Sure there are big picture processes that play a role. But from what we’ve seen, the primary cause of low productivity is the time that gets wasted on the jobsite – avoidable problems that slow down the whole process. Things like:

    1. Unreliable equipment that breaks down….again!
    2. Workers out due to injury from falls from ladders or scaffolding
    3. Low capacity equipment requiring multiple trips to move materials
    4. Not having the right equipment – taking more manpower to get the work done

    Surely, there’s a better way.

    That’s what we thought. When we founded Absolute E-Z Up (AEUP), we activated a plan to deliver safe, reliable work platforms, industrial stock pickers, stair climbers and material handling products that increase productivity by leaps and bounds. We’re talking 2X, 3X – or even more efficient work cycles – and with drastically reduced downtime from maintenance and repair.

    We built AEUP on 3 basic values – safety, productivity and reliability.

    3 Core Values of Absolute E-Z Up

    Safety – The Number One Uptime Booster

    An injured worker is either placed on leave or ‘light duty’. So you either have to hire someone else (initial expense), or reassign your staff to make up the difference.

    That’s why, whether it’s manual lift equipment or battery-powered work platforms, safety is our top priority. AEUP aerial work platforms and material handling equipment come with the most innovative and up-to-date safety technologies, such as:

    • Slope alarms, which interrupt all motion if activated
    • Built-in pothole protection
    • Anti-tilt systems to prevent toppling
    • Double-foot sensors – work platforms that can’t be driven unless both feet are planted

    (Note: Not all products have all these features – see specific product pages for details)

    Productivity – Doing More with Less

    Can a worker do twice as much as he used to just by using a new piece of equipment? If it’s the right equipment – yes! Whether it’s stocking shelves, moving a piano, working on a construction site, setting up an event, hanging signs, or any of the numerous other uses that a versatile work platform or stock picker can do, you’ll do all of these tasks much faster with AEUP’s time-saving material handling equipment. Our work platforms, stair climbers and stock pickers are:
    • More efficient – special features, attachments and deck extensions that speed up every step of every task
    • Faster – batteries charge in just a few hours, and last for hundreds of duty cycles (specific number varies by product)
    • More versatile – fit into small spaces, zero turning radius, small footprints
    • Lower cost to maintain

    Reliability – Consistently There When You Need It

    The greatest indicator of reliability is the warranty. How can we offer some of the best warranties in the industry? Because we know our equipment will last and will withstand the abuse of tough job sites.

    They are built from the highest quality of materials and designed so there are fewer places where breakdowns can occur. With proper maintenance, there’s no reason your AEUP material handling equipment shouldn’t last for many years without a single serious repair issue.

    When repair issues or questions do arise, you can contact our service professionals and get immediate attention, and we will find the solution or the replacement part if one is needed, and get it to you quickly.

    Learn more about our service process here.

    Our Philosophy is to Provide You With the Best Uptime Available!

    Get in touch with AEUP today

    We’ll help you figure out which product is best for your worksite.

    Absolute E-Z Up. Safety. Productivity. Reliability.